Transparency in Government - NOT!
New addition: The Town Attorney, Brad Hicks, has determined that the Town does not have to provide any documents to anyone who is not a citizen - a citizen of the State of Alabama that is, not a citizen of the United States of America! This is a very narrow interpretation of the Alabama Open Records Law. The Attorney General of the State of Alabama offered an "opinion" in 2018 that record requests should be from a citizen of the state. The concensus elsewhere in the United State is that any citizen of the country can ask for records. It will take an act of the Legislature to clarify and strengthen the Open Records Law. This approach reduces transparency and thus increases the mistrust of government. This is a short sighted approach.
While this interpretation may be the letter of the law, it is not the intent of the law. The Town could choose transparency, but they choose secrecy. Another sad milestone for the Town once known as the most charming in Alabama.
After several requests were received for information from concerned local property owner Kenneth R. Challener, the Town of Magnolia Springs has adopted a multi-page document request policy. This is of course designed to limit the availablity of information to concerned local citizens. The courts have long held that the citizens have the right to transparent government, and this type of behavior will likely result in additional lawsuits for the Town.
Read any good minutes lately? The town web site is woefully out of date, with a built in delay of 4 to 5 months for minutes to appear. Check out how many meeting are cancelled, with no follow-up. Try to search for meeting minutes before 2021. See how often the Town Council recesses into Executive session, never to return to the public meeting. Incidentally NO decisions may be made in Executive Session. All decisions must be brought back to the public meeting for a public that happening in Magnolia Springs?
How hard would it be to send out a mass email? How about group contacts on social media? Perhaps some residents would even like a newsletter? Why not increase contact and communication through multiple means, rather than restricting it? An email group only costs the time to build it and maintain the list. Linking minutes or notices is simple. Or, perhaps communication is not the goal?
Check out the webiste: Here is some Transparency - if there is nothing there it is very very transparent!!
Town Minutes: Only present from 1/1/2020 to present. All prior meeting minutes are missing. Last town minutes 6/6/23. The minutes are only one can they not be updated within a day or two of the meeting. Perhaps the intent is to avoid transparency and input?
Webpage: Boards and Commissions - BLANK
Historic Preservation and Commission Documents: No recent updates since construction.
Parks and Recreation: BLANK
Planning Commission: No minutes. One video from November 2022.....nothing more. No planning commission meetings 2021. Two meetings 2022. Seven meetings 2023 to date - watch out! No minutes 3/7/23 and 4/4/23 meetings??
Board of Adjustment: 2 meetings 2020, one meeting 2023
Finance Committee: No meetings (or at least no minutes) EVER
Public Safety: Golf cart permits and home safety checks, nothing else. Two meeting 2022. Three meeting 2023.
Tree & Streetscape Committee: No meetings, EVER
Public Works: BLANK