Taxation without Representation

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." ~ Thomas Jefferson

Property Owners:  Property owners who do not live in Magnolia Springs receive no representation.  While it is true you must be a resident to vote, it is not true that people owning land or property in the Town should not be represented.   Residents and Commercial businesses pay signifcant taxes that support the Town, including some of it's nefarious activities.  They should be represented, at least on issues affecting property owners.  Consider septic/sewage issues, roadways, runoff, almost all zoning regulations, etc.  The Town Council is currently considering installing sidewalks on the South side of Gates Avenue.  Unfortunately it seems they may have forgotten to ask anyone living or owning property on Gates Avenue if they want sidewalks......